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UPS - Your Wishes Delivered

UPS - “Your Wishes Delivered”

Role / Contribution
Junior Art Direction

Social Campaign, Branded Content, Audience Generated


After a hectic winter delivery season UPS’s brand fell under fire. Being constantly hit with negative feedback in the press and on social media, the brand’s digital presence began to hurt them, and left them in need of a social rebranding.

“Your Wishes Delivered” was an audience generated and branded content campaign, designed to rebuild the public perception of UPS during that holiday season.

Using real UPS customer wishes, letters, videos, and other submissions the digital hub collected and curated customer wishes via Facebook, Twitter and Instagram using the hashtag #WishesDelivered.

Campaign Activation:

”Driver For A Day”

Carson, a 4-year old boy living in Colorado Springs, was close with his neighborhood UPS driver Mr. Ernie. Delivering his special milk to him since he was a baby, Carson began to admire Mr. Ernie and wanted to become a driver too, so, we made him one. With his very own truck, uniform, packages he got to be a driver for a day.

**This video gained over 54 million views across all social channels and was shared 1,137,860 times in one week.


“Let It Snow”

On Christmas morning in 2004, Southern Texas woke up to 5.2 inches of snow. Ten years later, and with no sign of snow since, residents of Corpus Christi wished that the local children could relive the magic of that day. So UPS delivered snow along with hats, gloves and scarfs for the full experience.

“Books to Malawi”

One book has the power to change a multitude of lives. With that in mind, Mary Singletary, President of the U.S. National Council of Women, wished to deliver schoolbooks to children in Malawi. She worked with UPS to equip these children with thousands of books— powerful tools to help change their lives for the better.

User Generated website.


The campaign showed just how above and beyond the UPS driver can and will go for their customers, and some of the intricate relationships that they build along their daily routes. Shining a better light on the brand.

See Case study video below